Get to know our work
Pixely has sucessfully implemented and supported geospatial, retail, blockchain, development, and other tech projects for leading companies across a variety of industries.

Pixely implemented a custom PX solution for Castrol’s POS centers, enabling them to optimize customer service during the purchase process, while also driving sales.
- Browse and purchase complementary products at the point-of-sale
- Dynamic customization of branding and content based on the retailer’s individual offering
- Content updates and status information via an easy-to-use CMS, over a 3G or a wireless connection
- Increased visibility of complementary products with low previous visibility
- Improved customer understanding of the environmental aspect (CO2) of engine oil
- Custom retailer branding of commercial products
- Fresh POS content and frequent updates (news, updates, offers, promotions, coupons)
How to find us
Get in touch for a call or a demo
Pixely Technologies GmbH
Pixely Technologies GmbH,
Baierbrunnerstr. 25, 81379 München, Deutschland
Pixely Technologies E.O.O.D.,
Sofia, Bulgaria
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