Tech trends & insights to heed
Take a look at our interpretations of today’s key tech trends

Benefit from our expertise in geospatial, POS, web, app and blockchain development
Keycloak Integration addressing Authentication Challenges
Keycloak is a powerful, user and developer friendly and flexible open-source authentication engine that can be integrated into your application to provide secure and reliable authentication services. With Keycloak integration, you can easily manage user identities,...
How Pixely Supports the Open-Source Development Community
Why open source? Experienced development companies are always busy with paid projects for clients. Naturally, those are always prioritized, because, contrary to popular belief developers are people, too, and as such they need to eat… Therefore, it’s easy to overlook...
Take Your Pharmacy to the Next Level with Electronic Product Labeling
What are ESL (Electronic Shelf Label) solutions? Electronic Shelf Labeling (ESL) solutions allow pharmacies, grocers, and other retailers to dynamically update the prices of their in-store products, without physically changing any of the price tags. Product prices...
Why You Should Be Using Agile/Scrum in Your Organization
Why develop using scrum / agile principles? The pixely development team has been adhering to the Agile manifesto and following the principles of scrum when it comes to building client solutions for many years now. We chose to adopt scrum not only as an efficient...
Pixely teams up with CloudFerro to revamp a key Earth observation platform
CODE-DE (Copernicus Data and Exploitation Platform - Deutschland) is an Earth observation portal that has been offering interactive geospatial applications, data products, and services since 2017. Pixely Technologies partnered with CloudFerro on revamping the CODE-DE...
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Pixely Technologies GmbH
Pixely Technologies GmbH,
Baierbrunnerstr. 25, 81379 München, Deutschland
Pixely Technologies E.O.O.D.,
Sofia, Bulgaria
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