Pixely teams up with CloudFerro to revamp a key Earth observation platform

Apr 30, 2020about pixely, app development, geospatial solutions, website development

CODE-DE (Copernicus Data and Exploitation Platform – Deutschland) is an Earth observation portal that has been offering interactive geospatial applications, data products, and services since 2017.

Pixely Technologies partnered with CloudFerro on revamping the CODE-DE platform, including a new visual identity, functionality, and integration with new apps and services. The updated platform launched in April 2020 and has more than 2,500 registered users.

CODE-DE allows unlimited access to data from the Sentinel -1, -2, -3, and -5p satellites of the European Earth observation program Copernicus, which runs in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). The program collects and evaluates remote sensing data from Earth using satellites.

Who does CODE-DE serve?

The state-of-the-art geospatial data, applications, and services available on CODE-DE are geared towards analysts, experts and managers in sectors like agriculture and forestry, meteorology, urban development and nature conservation.

The platform is available to users and government institutions at no charge at this link.

Some noteworthy features of CODE-DE include:

  • The Image Mosaic app provides monthly updates on nationwide maps of Germany
  • Thanks to its ability to process highly accurate radar data, the interferometric Sentinel-1 product captures small-scale Earthly changes, such as subtle ground movements, soil moisture fluctuations, or damage caused by storms
  • The Sentinel-2 cloud mask makes distinguishing similar-looking clouds and snow easier on satellite footage
  • The new Jupyter Hub application provides different program codes and visualizations

How secure is CODE-DE?

The cloud security of the platform not only meets the requirements of the German Federal Data Protection Act, but is also certified according to the Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalog (C5) by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), guaranteeing the safe implementation of applications by German authorities and public institutions.

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