Why You Should Be Using Agile/Scrum in Your Organization

Nov 30, 2020app development, software development, technology trends

Why develop using scrum / agile principles?  

The pixely development team has been adhering to the Agile manifesto and following the principles of scrum when it comes to building client solutions for many years now. We chose to adopt scrum not only as an efficient software project management philosophy but also because we believe we can provide the best value and service quality to our clients by following it. 

In fact, we have gotten so used to being agile that we use similar principles in our work with marketing, human resources, and administrative functions in the company as well. This helps everyone stay on track with their projects, prioritize tasks, and not get lost in the details when there are pressing issues and high-profile projects with hard deadlines.  


How pixely stays agile in our work  

Throughout our collaboration with long-term clients, we became their outsourced development team and often also assumed the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) function. In this kind of setup, pixely implemented the agile way of working in our client organizations as well. This way, our development team could be aligned with our clients’s, so we could jointly solve challenges and develop software solutions that deliver immediate value. 

Of course, all pixely developers, scrum masters/project managers and even management, are trained and professionally scrum-certified, which means we follow the principles of agile development, both in theory and in practice. That isn’t to say that we don’t remain flexible and nimble in case there are any conflicts between the scrum way and real-world challenges, which can happen 


Introducing the agile development approach to your company 

As a company that has been working agile for years, pixely is well versed at introducing this approach to project management at our clients’ organizations. There is certainly a learning curve associated with the switch from more traditional, waterfall approaches to project management, which are still largely used at corporations. The implementation of scrum and agile principles isn’t trivial but a process that can take some time because organizational, cultural and mindset shifts are often required. The latter can be timely and challenging, especially at larger teams and organizations. Working with an experienced partner can make a difference, however.  

 Pixely’s experience with introducing the agile approach to project management in our client organizations allows us to confidently offer consulting and support services to new clients. Thus, if you are planning on implementing the agile methodology in your company, our team would gladly help.  


Contact the pixely team for a discussion on how we would implement agile in your organization.  

Get to know our work

Pixely has sucessfully implemented and supported geospatial, retail, blockchain, development, and other tech projects for leading companies across a variety of industries.

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